Oct 8, 2016


she says a thing. a casual flippant comment. she probably didn’t even realise it. but something in your heart flares up. an explosive burst in the left side of your chest. it physically hurts. more than an ache. a punch from the inside. alarm bells, overheating. this red-hot energy extends into your throat, your fingers, it compels you like a vengeful puppeteer, it will only grow unless you make that scathing remark in reply

drops of bright-green acid

in an instant the rage disappears. vanishes as instantly as mist, as an eliminated fighter in the virtual ring, as a person who is alive and then isn’t.

temperature starts drastically falling

she heats up "why are you being such a bitch" it comes back an iron burn

"gee idk maybe a friend just died"

successive punches against the wall the plaster falls until a kind word breaks the fever

thermometer goes back to normal. 36.4


oh i am so so sorry

back away

what did i do

now you only want to cry